Been thinking what to do with my current life. Been thinking i am not good enough. Been thinking to..... yes, like the computer does, Upgrade!
I wana upgrade my self. Especially in language efficiency. I am a half pass boy who never cares of how other think of the way i pronounce. As long as i get the message clear to you, i am fine with it. But now a days i don't see it. When you speak more better, it would earn respect. Ya, english is widely used now a days. You can't live without it.
So, i should find my self a online/offline dictionary that have pronounciation sound for me to listen. I have to learn like kids does. Not a fun thing, but a serious ones. In near future, i won't know what type of people i will be encountering. SME boss, CEO, may be air asia CEO DATO TONY? :P
Well, now i really need to buck up. I think i also need to read more chinese news paper to learn more of the words. Some word that you have not use for a certain period; you will forget it. Our life is a lifelong learning process.
Public holiday are nearing. Hope that all of you will enjoy it.
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