Malaysia requires more people to voice out and stand in the front line. No more hiding behind their comfort zone and wait for changes to come. We ought to do it NOW! Peace to all mankind.

Monday, April 30, 2007


Been thinking what to do with my current life. Been thinking i am not good enough. Been thinking to..... yes, like the computer does, Upgrade!
I wana upgrade my self. Especially in language efficiency. I am a half pass boy who never cares of how other think of the way i pronounce. As long as i get the message clear to you, i am fine with it. But now a days i don't see it. When you speak more better, it would earn respect. Ya, english is widely used now a days. You can't live without it.
So, i should find my self a online/offline dictionary that have pronounciation sound for me to listen. I have to learn like kids does. Not a fun thing, but a serious ones. In near future, i won't know what type of people i will be encountering. SME boss, CEO, may be air asia CEO DATO TONY? :P
Well, now i really need to buck up. I think i also need to read more chinese news paper to learn more of the words. Some word that you have not use for a certain period; you will forget it. Our life is a lifelong learning process.

Public holiday are nearing. Hope that all of you will enjoy it.

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