How Singapore separated from Malaysia? Its all started from these two letters. I believe that our secondary school history book may not have these letters for our young generation to read. They should know what causes it to happen.
These historical letters is taken from the book entitle "Who lives if Malaysia dies"*. Published by DAP in April 1969. Click the picture below to read.

I gave some thought to this matter. If Singapore was not separated from Malaysia, perhaps they could just be like us. However, the then Prime Minister of Malaya Tunku Abdul Rahman made a decision to end our ties seems to be the best decision for Singapore. Singapore is without resources and rely mostly on trading. Yet, they can survive and bring Singapore forward. Malaysia has plenty of resources yet we seem to be nowhere.
Of course, I do see Malaysia improves in certain areas. However, we need to make Malaysia a better country to live in.
Ok, I shall not compare Malaysia and Singapore. They are just a tiny red dot and we are like black ink stain on a white shirt. :D
Note: *The book is compiled by DAP and no longer in print. Can be stated as "Antique".