Before I went to the forum for the discussion on YBJ short story, I had a quick skim on the article which was translated in English. (You can read it at Teresa Kok's Blog) The ending part gave me an uneasy feeling. Read the post note on why I felt that way.
The forum discussed on our press freedom which violated our peaceful law of order. Speakers stated that every one have their freedom to speak, but be responsible for what they write. YB Lim KS added that what if some one use YBC4 or who ever that link to "You know who", how would it be? As for the article, Azmi , if I am not mistaken he said he would ask the Pakatan not to sue the Utusan if they only publish the front part without the assassination of YBJ. Yes, the front part is acceptable as it can be rated as fiction.
On the other hand, the topic on Ratu Anjing in which YB LIM KS mentioned, Haris Ibrahim added that he have 9 dogs at home. He knows the quality and cost for the dog food and point out that the food for detainee under ISA is teruk (I say compare in price lah). He also said that he is a muslim who loved dogs. Who says Muslim cannot have dog? "Eyes wide and everyone is laughing!"
They stated that even with freedom of writing and speech, one cannot place violence in your story that will influence the people. Imagine the younger generation who are reading it, what will be absorb in their mind? I wondered have they think of it?
The forum discussed on our press freedom which violated our peaceful law of order. Speakers stated that every one have their freedom to speak, but be responsible for what they write. YB Lim KS added that what if some one use YBC4 or who ever that link to "You know who", how would it be? As for the article, Azmi , if I am not mistaken he said he would ask the Pakatan not to sue the Utusan if they only publish the front part without the assassination of YBJ. Yes, the front part is acceptable as it can be rated as fiction.
On the other hand, the topic on Ratu Anjing in which YB LIM KS mentioned, Haris Ibrahim added that he have 9 dogs at home. He knows the quality and cost for the dog food and point out that the food for detainee under ISA is teruk (I say compare in price lah). He also said that he is a muslim who loved dogs. Who says Muslim cannot have dog? "Eyes wide and everyone is laughing!"
They stated that even with freedom of writing and speech, one cannot place violence in your story that will influence the people. Imagine the younger generation who are reading it, what will be absorb in their mind? I wondered have they think of it?
YB LIM KS highlighted 10 resemblances in the article that linked to YB Teresa. The writer claimed to have not write with resembling to any one. Is it so?
In my opinion, Utusan had indirectly encourage violence in their media. When the people are trying to have peace, they are trying to inject the violence by putting in assassination in the short story that they had published. It's not the killing of the BAD GUYS or some corrupted people, but a mere representative of the people! This story is really not putting up any moral value at all. What is the writer trying to tell the readers? That those who are not fighting for the right cause will be punish? Then I as an irresponsible citizen or writer can also write who (fictionalizes) is to be send to "The land of DARKNESS" and publish it? Is this right?
One cannot link Politician and Violence(Assassination and etc). Never ever touch on that.
Anyway, The venue was small, the turnout was quite ok. The impact was KAO KAo on my mind. Met up with great people. Bought a book on YB LIM GUAN ENG entitled 'DARI PENJARA LIM GUAN ENG KE TAMPUK KUASA' that was written and compiled by Wan Hamidi, one of the speaker. (Got his signature :) Thanks sir!)
They end with handing over to the honourable speaker a BOIKOT UTUSAN banner.
You can read more on yesterday forum at Malaysiakini, and Malaysia Insider.
Another news stated that 19 organisations want the short story to be retracted. Its in Mandarin.
Post Note:
It was stated that YBJ is assassinated when she goes up to speak in the infamous short stories. It gave me the thought that YB Teresa life is going to end at the forum. My mind was in a mess thinking of what will happen at the forum. Thank GOD it went smoothly for YB Teresa. She also mentioned she need to take more precaution after the published of the YBJ story.
Hi Jarod
Thanks a lot for your encouraging comment at Pat's place. Moved me to tears lah...What to do...sentimental lady here ;)
Anyway, great post here. Very detailed and you captured the essence of the forum. I also had the same fear like you did...wondering if Teresa Kok's life would be in danger at public meetings like that.
Thanks so much for the update, sharing and the pics. Keep it up, Jarod!
blessings to you
Hi Paula,
Don't cry cry lo... Be strong. Is not easy being teacher. Talk from my experience of 2 months. Haha!
Thanks. Will keep it up. There are some point which I did not mention. They discuss for 2 hours. Cant really think this morning.
Take care!~ :) Have a great weekend!
I have a confession to make: I haven't read that cerpen. But I have read a good commentary of it by Zaharan Razak. He's a published author and fitness freak, and also someone with real intellect.
Yes, that thing about "Muslims owning dogs" - apparently, it's more "cultural" than "religious". But what to do lah, when you have been brought up from small to shun dogs...
Hi mat Cendana,
better don't read it. Gives you insecurity. Not good for the young mind. Thanks for giving me another point of view from zaharan blog.
How I wish that the new generation parents can educate the child of not fearing the dogs.
haha, i miss out something... not good for the young mind does not refer to you. I am referring to those youngster who read it.
You are certainly "YOUNG" enough to differentiate it :)
JAROD: Thanks for inviting me over to this post. Now I know why! You've got prescience! God knows I not only love dogs - also goats, ducks, cats, crows, wild fowl, otters, jungle fowl - the whole menagerie! I've had GSDs, Labrador, English Cocker Spaniel, Doberman and a local dog. That was all in the past though. Now I'm strapped for space and a bit unsettled to keep them again. I will though later when things settle down a bit. Have to cycle/ride around the world first!
About the cerpen, I've already responded to your comment over at the relevant post at my blog.
About Cendana's kind words, if you haven't read Rudyard Kipling yet, I'd recommend his poem "If" to put things in a larger perspective.
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