We are not allow to wear any shirt that have the words "No to ISA" on our shirt. I just thought of something that all of us can do. Wear this.

Why just "NO"? Well, it is a reminder that we do not want it. Just say NO. Simple and easy. Free from slogan, yet the message is there. We do not want it.
Brilliant! And it would be like an inside joke - only 'we' get it. When actually, everybody knows!!!
How about my favourite '!' after the word 'No' as in: NO!
wooo... like the secret agent where we have our own code huh? :D
haha... well, we can change it to anything we like.. as long as it does not have "ISA" in it.. :P
if i have time, i add more to it :)
since when i love designing all this? haha!
Ditto to the "brilliant!". I absolutely love the idea. Hope it'll catch on. I can close my eyes and just imagine it!
Hee hee hee I really like it.
There is a computer joke about computer errors. The code for a computer error due to the ignorance of the user is coded 'ID ten T'. When it is written, it says ID10T!
So our code can be NOT O IS A. Just a silly thought. :D
Hi peng, wah.. that ID and TEN T is just awesome....:) i find this No to ISA quite hard to coin.. may be i can think out of something... :)
Lita, Do not imagine it too much.. else everything that people ask of you and your only reply will be : "NO!"
What about this?
wow Peng... Good one! No is a NO!!!
hmmm... how will our police officer react to it? ahaahahah! No is no la..why so simple also dun understand... this is what our teacher teach us!!!
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