Malaysia is coming to an END! I Need to cool down first!
I attended the vigil which was suppose to be held at the field near Amcorp mall. As I drove to th destination, police barricade the whole area. From main entrance to the back lane entrance, all being block to prevent the CITIZEN who is HUNGER for JUSTICE to attend the vigil!
When I reached around 8.50pm, the place was not hype with people as it was suppose to be. As I approach the people surrounding, they told me that the police asked the people not to gather. Malaysiakini.com (BM Version) have the report of what that had been going on before I reached.
As we retreat from Amcorp mall after singing Negaraku Song, we moved to Civic Hall and continue there. BERSIH organizer have a short sharing, then invite MP Ronnie Liu to speak. After Ronnie finish, he asked for BERSIH President, if I am not mistaken with the position, to share what BERSIH long to achieve. Then RPK surprise us by coming to the vigil. Initially, we did not expect him to be here. He and Marina showed up and greets people around. PJU MP TONY PUA spoke and later RPK take over. I did not listen to what he said as I am actually putting my focus on the FRU. I heard their whooo haaa warning sign for us to stop the meeting.
As RPK spoke half way, the FRU stormed the group of people and start chasing after those who wore NO HOLD BARRED / I AM WITH RPK / NO TO ISA/ BERSIH t-shirt. It is indeed a chaos that were created by the FRU. The people never throw anything or threaten anything against the FRU. Are we deem as threatening? The gathering without permit allow you to arrest people just like you are the POWER that behold Malaysia?
As I ran, I was on the phone with a friend. I turned back and look at the situation. There was this guy who wore Red RPK shirt who is trying to walk across the road was confronted from behind by FRU Officer. MAN! He was trying to walk away from causing trouble!! I do not know his fate.
When I reached around 8.50pm, the place was not hype with people as it was suppose to be. As I approach the people surrounding, they told me that the police asked the people not to gather. Malaysiakini.com (BM Version) have the report of what that had been going on before I reached.
As we retreat from Amcorp mall after singing Negaraku Song, we moved to Civic Hall and continue there. BERSIH organizer have a short sharing, then invite MP Ronnie Liu to speak. After Ronnie finish, he asked for BERSIH President, if I am not mistaken with the position, to share what BERSIH long to achieve. Then RPK surprise us by coming to the vigil. Initially, we did not expect him to be here. He and Marina showed up and greets people around. PJU MP TONY PUA spoke and later RPK take over. I did not listen to what he said as I am actually putting my focus on the FRU. I heard their whooo haaa warning sign for us to stop the meeting.
As RPK spoke half way, the FRU stormed the group of people and start chasing after those who wore NO HOLD BARRED / I AM WITH RPK / NO TO ISA/ BERSIH t-shirt. It is indeed a chaos that were created by the FRU. The people never throw anything or threaten anything against the FRU. Are we deem as threatening? The gathering without permit allow you to arrest people just like you are the POWER that behold Malaysia?
As I ran, I was on the phone with a friend. I turned back and look at the situation. There was this guy who wore Red RPK shirt who is trying to walk across the road was confronted from behind by FRU Officer. MAN! He was trying to walk away from causing trouble!! I do not know his fate.
There were younger children and youth who was there to give support for this movement. I salute them for their awareness. I also want to tell their parents that indeed you are farsighted to bring them there to see for them selves! This will bring an awareness in them about Malaysia politic. However, I do not know how they will react to this cruel incident. I do not know whether do they injured them selves when the FRU chase after those people who were there.
I remember this young girl who asked me whether her A & W French fries paper cup with candle looked weird or not, I replied by saying NO. I wanted to say that what ever you are doing now, it LOOKS GREAT from my EYES sight! I never have the chance to say it. If you or the parents of the young child who are reading this, do let me know you are doing fine. VIA COMMENT.
RPK last seen walking with his wife Marina and a group of people to the car park. I am not sure where they park their car. I walked as fast as I could and get home safe. Today is the day we see how worst the FRU could be. Indeed angered me to the MAX!
There was tears in my eyes but it would not want to flow out. It must have been the HARDDEST day for me to bring TEARS for my self! I am totally angry about it. I really want to do something about it. I will never let my anger down for the people I care!
FRU, you are nothing. You are just Forest Reserve UNCLES!
For more latest update, go to Anil blog.
Add on- Tony Pua Blogged from his mobile. He is fine. Staying overnight.
I remember this young girl who asked me whether her A & W French fries paper cup with candle looked weird or not, I replied by saying NO. I wanted to say that what ever you are doing now, it LOOKS GREAT from my EYES sight! I never have the chance to say it. If you or the parents of the young child who are reading this, do let me know you are doing fine. VIA COMMENT.
RPK last seen walking with his wife Marina and a group of people to the car park. I am not sure where they park their car. I walked as fast as I could and get home safe. Today is the day we see how worst the FRU could be. Indeed angered me to the MAX!
There was tears in my eyes but it would not want to flow out. It must have been the HARDDEST day for me to bring TEARS for my self! I am totally angry about it. I really want to do something about it. I will never let my anger down for the people I care!
FRU, you are nothing. You are just Forest Reserve UNCLES!
For more latest update, go to Anil blog.
masterwordsmith-unplugged mentioned what I tell you here. She also have some updates.
Pray for a better Malaysia!Add on- Tony Pua Blogged from his mobile. He is fine. Staying overnight.
Thank you for your concern. We were able to get out in time and got home safe! This is our first time attending any vigil and didn't expect this nasty experience. Needless to say we all feel sorry and worried for the well beings of all those fine ppl arrested. Glad you're safe too. oh, and the girl that asked u about the anw cup, that's my god-daughter...try to find her, 3 girls and a boy in your photos.
Thank GOD all of you are safe. It is not my first time attending vigil. Hope yesterday vigil did not gave your god-daughter a night mare. Pray for a better Malaysia.
Hi. I am d girl that asked you abt the A&W cup. And I did not get a nightmare. It was AWESOME!!! It was freaky yet a very nice and short adventure. Thx for your concern. You are very kind.
Hi friend,
Adventurous huh? :D Well, more to come in the future! :p
To the adult, it is indeed a sad day.
Think for everything you do, and do the right thing.Take care and hope to see you again in the future.
We in Ipoh were updated by Haris Ibrahim via Zorro (who was in Ipoh with us). We were told they have locked down the access to AmCorp mall but did not realised people are being threatened and manhandled. I read with tears the account by different people in Anilnetto.com. We must not give up! It is our right for this is our nation!
AAB is supposed to hv the Reforms in place i.e.judicial reforms,police reforms,repeal ISA,etc.Look at what's happening.Not only did he not implement these he even encourage the AG to file an appeal against the release of RPK!The flip flop guy is at it again.We need a huge street gathering say,200K or more to drive home the point that the people want Reforms just like in Thailand.Can we have the numbers?PKR,BERSIH and others pls organise this
Support each other and bring the justice up front!
Anonymous at 2:28 PM, it is possible of having huge turnout!! Look at BerSih gathering one year ago. The huge turnout was a sign of wanting change. We need to bring the message across!
On organizing it,i shall leave it to the Leader of PKR, Bersih etc..
all these demos/protests will not amount to much if we retaliate and provoke the police.
i am a coward who dared not to be there myself. i can only watch from blogs/internet. sigh... i am sorry.
this is seen from a racial angle from a lot of our malay friends who know not better. if only if we could have more malays in the frontline in events like these...
change come from within our heart. If you want to see change, make your presence there and show the ruler that you want change from them.
I am also worried for my safety, but I cannot care too much of my safety for the sake of my country people.
Irrespective of the race, we are aiming for the better of malaysia. There are a lot of bumiputra in the front line. I do not like to mention about race, because it was the instrument that the UMNO used that separate us!
we are able to come together even with our differences!!!! What is our goal? A better Malaysia for Malaysian!
Perhaps last night's gathering was not done in the 'right' spirit as it did not involve tearing photos, waving daggers or shouting about so-and-so's supremacy. Perhaps singing the anthem is a crime in some parts of the world. Just don't expect people to allow you to call yourself a democracy if you hurt people when they try to sing your own national song.
These days people are afraid of snatch thieves, mat rempit, rapists and kidnappers. Unsolved crimes stay unsolved. Yet the police resources of this country are utilised against children, youths, mums and dads gathering to sing for the future of Malaysia.
I am glad I am not a Malaysian but I can understand how painful it is for Malaysians to see this happen in their country.
As far as I am concerned, Malaysia is a L-O-N-G, L-O-N-G way from being a democracy.
Anonymous 9:27 PM,
I am ashamed as well. I long for democracy for my country. Indeed it is still a long way to go.
May I ask you to Pray for us. If you know any Malaysian, bring awareness to them from your point of view.
We will not give up no matter what!
Oh my God! It was this bad!!
Actually, I'm only aware of it NOW. Yes, quite late I know, for things have been super-hectic the past few days (that's why I'm still up at this time - 4:2 AM)
I was trying to find that "Link to this post" thing... Can't seem to find it here...
mat Cendana, u have to click on my main title of the post, then you can only view it after it was being refresh on the same page.way to the bottom :) late? nah, not too late !
Please help DIGG this article on digg! Let the world know!
Has anybody made the association between the reason for the peaceful vigil for BERSIH and the action of the government (through its proxy; the police).
A gathering to protest the inhumane Internal Security Act, as well as to celebrate the anniversary for clean and fair elections broken up by the government can only mean one thing. That they (the government) is guilty on both counts. Why then use unnecessary force to break up a peaceful gathering if it is not to forewarn against any similar future event of the same nature?
Shooting themselves in the foot like that must surely mean that the powers that be are totally clueless as to the repercussions of their actions. It's either that or independent parties are acting out on their own without proper directions from above.
Who exactly is running this country and making all the executive decisions that affect the image and long term damage to UMNO and country? Is there anyone out there competent enough to really understand what is going on? By attacking the gathering of less than 100 people, they are drawing more attention to it despite their blackout in the mainstream media. Have they not figured out by now that the internet is a much more effective way of disseminating information to the right target groups?
One would think that after the fiasco of the last General Election, they would have learnt their lesson well and good. If the event on Sunday was not met with such force and arrests were not made, it would have pretty much gone relatively unnoticed, and the rakyat would not have been angered as they have been. The government would have been viewed upon favorably or maybe not even thought about either in a negative or positive manner and life would go on as before.
So that brings us back to same the question... Who's making all these stupid decisions that's turning into a public relations disaster for the government? Najb, Syed Hamid, Tan Sir Musa or the unlikely Badawi? Whoever it is... or not, reveals a lot about the workings of this very inefficient chain of command in the Malaysian government.
There must be a voice of reason in there somewhere. One that goes " Lets be careful how we react to this incident. We do not need any more attention to be given towards this event. The rakyat are already upset about so many issues and if we draw attention to free and fair elections in a negative way. We might draw too much flak and appear as if we are guilty of the charge. If we ignore them, and release a press statement the next day protesting our innocence (even though we are not) and insist that the last general election was fair and free, otherwise how did so many in the opposition get into parliament. Then we might win this one and they would look like they are just ranting."
Maybe, they might they sailed through this event without causing too much of a furor and not lost their scalps.
Instead, the opposition has won a small victory and armed themselves with more ammo to be used in the future.
The problem with Malaysia is not really about which race based party is running the country. Its about how the current government is too stupid to run the country. There is no real leader that everyone respects and listen to and no clear party ideology apart from "grab as much as you can before you can't grab anymore."
As bad as Mahathir was, at least there was focus and a chain of command. There was a dictator that knew what he wanted and everybody toed the line, even though there was no accountability.
With this current administration, the political big-wigs are too busy watching out for themselves that they have not got the time to look out for the party. It's everyman for himself right now and the realignment that his happening behind closed doors has created a temporary vacuum where nobody is looking out for the large scale gaffes that are happening out there. In fact, ever since KJ and company got into the picture, UMNO has been deconstructed into several rival camps and nobody has really been focused on the big picture. That is what Mahathir is probably fuming about. He left a party that was intact and it is now in tatters as each man is looking out for himself.
Nobody is running this country in a competent manner and everybody in UMNO that has any power is only interested in furthering his own interest irregardless of what happens to the country. The Home Minister, is grasping at straws, the Prime Minister is asleep and the DPM is grabbing power. Who's left... Anwar?
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